Università di Pisa, Dipartimento di Fisica
The Physics Department at Pisa University is one of the main Italian ones, with a long-standing record of excellent research in areas as diverse as particle physics, theoretical physics, as well as cold atoms and condensed matter.
The group of THz and mid-IR photonics features strong competences in semiconductor opto-electronic devices and physics, with a leading international profile on intersubband polaritonics, quantum cascade lasers, and THz graphene devices.
Group members working on THESEUs: Alessandro Tredicucci, Andrea Ottomaniello.

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
ETH Zürich is one of the leading international universities for technology and the natural sciences. The Quantum Optoelectronics group of the Physics Department focuses its activities on light-matter interaction phenomena in the Mid-IR and Far-IR regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, relying on semiconductor heterostructures as building blocks. The main research areas are quantum cascade lasers, ultrastrong light-matter coupling, THz metamaterials, THz vacuum field sampling and correlations. The group has a long trackrecord in Mid-IR and THz quantum cascade lasers research, with
the first demonstration of room temperature CW operation of a Mid-IR QCL, the recent demonstration of the comb operation of quantum cascade lasers. In the THz range, the group realized the first operation of THz QCL on Peltier cooler, the lowest achieved frequency for a THz QCL and the first octave-spanning semiconductor laser.
Group members working on THESEUs: Giacomo Scalari, Mattias Beck, Jerôme Faist, Martin Franckiè.

Technion, Israel (Kaminer’s Lab)
The research’s lab covers a wide range of topics regarding the quantum aspects of light-matter interactions, from terahertz to x-ray regimes, including emission from free electrons or bound electrons. Regarding the THESEUs project,
we use our experience in analyzing the spontaneous emission into graphene plasmons, e.g. Nat. Phot. (2018) and Nat. Phys. (2020) , and more generally emission into photonic quasi-particles, to help the design
of graphene enhanced Terahertz sources.
Group members working on THESEUs: Yaniv Kurman, Shaked Keidar.

Istituto Nanoscienze in Pisa
The Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) is the largest research institution in Italy with over ten thousand employees subdivided in more than one hundred thematic institutes geographically spread all over the country. CNR participate
in THESEUs with the Istituto Nanoscienze in Pisa (CNR-NANO).
CNR-NANO has the primary aim to carry out fundamental studies and manipulations of systems that belong to the nanoscale. The research activities of CNR-NANO are thus multidisciplinary, spanning from computational-theoretical study
in physics and biology, condensed matter physics, optics, energy, nano(bio)technologies to nano-medicine. The Institute contributes also to communication and education in nanoscience thanks to its strong interaction with Scuola
Normale Superiore and Università di Pisa. In Pisa, the CNR-NANO group operates at NEST (National Enterprise for nanoScience and nanoTechnology) laboratories. NEST is an interdisciplinary research and training center composed by CNR-NANO,
Scuola Normale Superiore, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna.
Group members working on THESEUs: Federica Bianco, Leonardo Vicarelli and Nicola Melchioni.

Università di Siena
Update coming soon