Frontiers of Opto- and Electro-mechanics workshop


A number of rooms has been reserved at the conference venue, Sport Hotel Panorama.

sportpanorama 493

The standard accommodation for the invited speakers is single room while double rooms are usually considered for the rest of participants. In any case, it is possible to specify in the preferred accommodation in the reservation form.
We have some student fellowships to cover registration fee and accommodation expenses, which will include a double room lodging. These will be assigned by the Scientific Advisory Board on the base of the submitted poster abstract. The winners of the fellowships will receive an email communication in early December.

The deadline to apply for a fellowship is November 15th 2013.
The conference registration deadline is December 1st 2013; if oversubscribed we will close the registration and setting up a waiting list.

Payment options:
The accommodation expenses can be directly paid at the Hotel front desk upon arrival.
The registration fee can either be paid through a money transfer to one of the organizing institute (Scuola Normale Superiore) or upon arrival in Fai della Paganella in cash only.
More details are available in the registration form.

Please download and fill the registration and hotel reservation form [DOCPDF] and send it to

Shuttle buses will be organized from Trento train station on Monday 27 and possibly from Verona train station on the same day. 
Contact and communicate your arrival time for booking!