Deadline: December 1st, 2013
Fellowship Deadline: November 15th, 2013
Abstracts have to be in A4 format. Max one page of text (font: Times New Roman 11, title in bold 14 centered, authors and affiliations in 12 centered). If you have figures (not mandatory) you can add them in a second page together with brief captions.
If you find it convenient, please download and use this MS Word template.
Files should prepared in PDF and mailed to
It is important to submit your contribution before December 1st to ensure it is evaluated, and assigned a slot as a poster. If you are applying for a fellowship, the abstract submission deadline is November 15th.
It will be possible to update your abstract afterwards, if you wish so.
Post-deadline submissions
Post-deadline poster submissions will be considered until the last few days before the workshop, even if participation will be subjected to the hotel room availability.