New paper on biosensors

Finally.... after some long rounds of revisions, our manuscript "Ultra-high-frequency Love surface acoustic wave device for real-time sensing applications" by G. Greco, M. Agostini and M. Cecchini, has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access
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nanoERT approved for funding by ELA International

European Leukodystrophy Association (ELA) International has approved our grant application ELA 2019-008I2 entitled “nanoERT - Nanoparticle based Enzyme Replacement Therapy for the treatment of Krabbe disease: a pre-clinical study in the Twitcher Mouse” for funding! This will allow us to speed-up our research for finding a method to deliver functional GALC into the brain of the mouse model of Krabbe Disease. The first results of this research were just published on Science Advances [] #ELAInternationsl #krabbe #CNR #nanoparticles
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Braiker wins the Star Cup Toscana 2019

Un progetto imprenditoriale di Scuola normale superiore e Istituto nanoscienze del Cnr ha vinto l’edizione 2019 di Start Cup Toscana, la sfida tra idee innovative scaturite dal mondo della ricerca universitaria che si è svolta questa mattina presso il Polo Fibonacci a Pisa e vedeva partecipare 10 finalisti. La futura startup si chiamerà 'Inta Systems' per il settore Biomedico, ed è stata presentata da Marco Cecchini, ricercatore dell’Istituto nanoscienze del Cnr e Matteo Agostini, della Scuola normale superiore, che ricevono un assegno da 5.000,00 euro per lo sviluppo dell’idea imprenditoriale. 'Inta (INTelligent Acoustics) System' nasce per sviluppare e commercializzare un dispositivo completamente elettronico, Braiker, che consente di individuare la presenza di traumi cerebrali da analisi del sangue. Una tecnologia pensata per aiutare la diagnosi e ridurre al minimo il ricorso ad esami costosi, lenti e invasivi quali la risonanza magnetica e la TAC. Il dispositivo, brevettato quest’anno, è nato all’interno…
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Braiker among the 31 start-ups awarded at the Ticket to the Future event – PGM9 – Final Network Incubators, Accelerators and Science and Technology Parks of the Premio Gaetano Marzotto

Braiker, the point-of-care device for detecting brain trauma from blood tests, was selected by the Polo Tecnologico Navacchio for a 12-month incubation and acceleration path towards industrial development and market entry. Congratulations to all the CNR-NANO and Scuola Normale Superiore team, and thanks to the President of the Polo Tecnologico Andrea Di Benedetto and to the Premio Gaetano Marzotto.
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Braiker @ Italian Tech Week

TECHSHARE DAY 2019, A day born from the collaboration between the Polytechnic of Turin and the University of Turin to present the inventions and prototypes developed by the universities to companies and investors, giving visibility to technology transfer activities. There are 140 projects participating, chosen specifically for their characteristics and coming from all over Italy, and among these, there is also ours!
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New paper on Krabbe disease

Our new study on autophagy in Krabbe disease is now online on Neurobiology of Disease (Elsevier). Congratulation to all the authors. "Dysregulated autophagy as a new aspect of the molecular pathogenesis of Krabbe disease" by A. Del Grosso, L. Angella, I. Tonazzini, A. Moscardini, N. Giordano, M. Caleo, S. Rocchiccioli, and M. Cecchini.
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MDPI Sensors – Special Issue on Surface Acoustic Waves Biosensors and Microfluidics

The journal Sensors has just launched the Special Issue "Surface Acoustic Wave Biosensors and Microfluidic Devices", for which Marco Cecchini is acting as Editor. Authors are encouraged to submit novel research papers and reviews, with areas of focus that include, but are not limited to: 1. Surface Acoustic Waves as a biosensing tool: SAW biosensors, SAW-actuated biosensors, SAW interaction with biological species (e.g., cells), functionalization strategies, multiplexing strategies, integration methods; 2. Surface Acoustic Wave microfluidics for breakthrough applications: SAW-induced acoustophoretic devices, SAW-induced acoustic streaming devices, SAW-enhanced biosensing technologies, SAW-actuators, multiplexing strategies, sample preparation. 3. Surface acoustic wave–fluid interaction and biosensing: Modeling/simulation.…/surface_acoustic_waves_biosensors_an…
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Congratulations, Damiano!

This morning Damiano Sallemi successfully defended his master degree thesis in Medical Physics. Congratulations, Damiano, for this important achievement and good luck for your professional career from all the Neurosens group!!
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