Neurosens wins PHD+ prize with a novel biosensor!

BRAIKER, a novel biosensor for brain biomarkers, won the PHD+ contest!!! This was organized by University of Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and IMT of Lucca as a part of the Contamination Lab initiative. This course is focused on high tech start-up, how to begin and how to make it grow. Link to the site.

The winning pitch was given by Matteo Agostini who presented BRAIKER, a novel biomedical device for brain pathologies that Neurosens developed. It is based on nano-acoustics, namely acoustics exploiting nanotechnology. Thanks to nano-sensors and micro-transductors it can manipulate fluids and perform molecular assays. This lab-on-a-chip will be explored for other pathologies, too.
This device was funded by the Regione Toscana project GLIOMICS for brain pathologies.

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