Invited Presentations at Conferences (42)
Stefan Heun: Prospects for hydrogen storage in graphene, International workshop on epitaxial 2D materials 2024, Tokyo, Japan, 04 October 2024. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Towards superconducting correlations in the quantum Hall regime, NanoInnovation 2024, Rome, Italy, 9 – 13 September 2024. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Josephson junctions based on high mobility InSb nanoflags for advanced quantum technologies, Workshop on Non-equilibrium quantum many-body systems, Genoa, Italy, 10 – 12 July 2024. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Hybrid superconductor – semiconductor Josephson junctions for quantum technologies, Workshop Il CNR nel panorama regionale delle Scienze e Technologie Quantistiche, Naples, Italy, 7 June 2024. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun, B. Turini, A. Iorio, S. Salimian, M. Carrega, E. Strambini, F. Giazotto, V. Zannier, and L. Sorba: Supercurrent diode effect in high mobility free-standing InSb nanoflags, Supertop Workshop, Budapest, Hungary, 9 – 11 May 2022. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Hydrogen storage in Ti-functionalized graphene, Italy – Taiwan bilateral symposium on emergent crystalline materials, 9 -10 December 2021. [Abstract] [Talk] [Video]
S. Heun: Black phosphorus n-type doping by Cu: a microscopic surface investigation, New Times, 1st International Virtual Conference, 14 – 18 June 2021. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Surface Engineering of two-dimensional black Phosphorus, Israel-Italy Workshop on 2D Materials, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, 25 – 27 November 2019. [Program] [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Optimization of few-layer black phosphorus for low-temperature magneto-transport studies, 2018, Bologna, Italy, 22 – 26 October 2018. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Guiducci, M. Carrega, G. Biasiol, L. Sorba, F. Beltram, and S. Heun: Towards quantum Hall effect in a Josephson junction, Tunneling Through Nanoscience, Ravello, Italy, 17 – 20 October 2018. [Abstract] [Talk]
F. Telesio, N. Hemsworth, W. Dickerson, M. Petrescu, V. Tayari, Oulin Yu, D. Graf, M. Serrano-Ruiz, M. Caporali, M. Peruzzini, M. Carrega, T. Szkopek, S. Heun, and G. Gervais: Non-classical longitudinal magneto-resistance in anisotropic black phosphorus, Nanomaterials for Devices, Montreal, Canada, 10 – 12 September 2018. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Optimization of few-layer black phosphorus for low-temperature magneto-transport studies, Iconsat 2018, Bangalore, India, 21 – 23 March 2018. [Abstract] [Talk]
L. Bours, S. Guiducci, A. Mrenca-Kolasinska, B. Szafran, J. C. Maan, and S. Heun: Manipulating quantum Hall edge channels in graphene by Scanning Gate Microscopy, NSS-9, Gyeongju, S. Korea, 25 – 28 September 2017. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Hydrogen storage in metal-functionalized graphene, 103º Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fisica, Trento, Italy, 11 – 15 September 2017. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Prospects for Hydrogen Storage in Graphene, NanoTech, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 14 – 18 November 2016. [Program] [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Quantum Hall Effect in a QPC in graphene, Taller Transferencia de Calor a la Nanoescala, UNAM, Mexico-City, Mexico, 14 – 15 November 2016. [Program] [Talk]
S. Heun: Prospects for hydrogen storage in graphene, Korea-Italy Bilateral Symposium on Beyond Graphene, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, 27 May 2016. [Program] [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: 2D Materials, CNR – CONACYT Workshop, Rome, Italy, 14 – 15 April 2016. [Program] [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Hydrogenated graphene, FisMat 2015, Palermo, Italy, 28 September – 2 October 2015. [Program] [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Nanomaterials characterization by low-temperature scanning gate microscopy, QNet Workshop, Pisa, Italy, 10 – 11 December 2014. [Program] [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Nanomaterials characterization by low-temperature Scanning Probe Microscopy, International School on New frontiers in down-scaled materials and devices: realization and investigation by advanced methods, Otranto, Italy, 15 – 20 September 2014. [Program] [Talk]
S. Heun: Prospects for hydrogen storage in graphene, NSS8, Chicago, USA, 28 – 31 July 2014. [Program] [Abstract] [Talk]
T. Mashoff, S. Goler, V. Tozzini, D. Convertino, V. Miseikis, C. Coletti, V. Piazza, M. Takamura, S. Tanabe, H. Hibino, V. Pellegrini, F. Beltram, and S. Heun: Graphene for hydrogen storage: an STM study, ICN+T, Vail, Colorado, USA, 20 – 25 July 2014. [Program] [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Imaging fractional incompressible stripes in integer quantum Hall systems, CNRS GDR Physique Quantique Mésoscopique, Aussois, France, 9 – 12 December 2013. [Program] [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Edge channel interferometry in the quantum Hall regime, The 13th International Conference – School on Advanced Materials and Technologies, Palanga, Lithuania, 27 – 31 August 2011. [Program] [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun, B. Radha, D. Ercolani, G. U. Kulkarni, F. Rossi, V. Grillo, G. Salviati, F. Beltram, and L. Sorba: Coexistence of Vapor-Liquid-Solid and Vapor-Solid-Solid growth modes in Pd-assisted InAs nanowires, Villa Conferences on Interactions among Nanostructures, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 21 – 25 April 2011. [Program] [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Semiconductor Nanowires, National Seminar on The New Frontiers of Nanotechnology in Materials Science, Raja Lakhamagouda Science Institute, Belgaum, India, 26 – 27 November 2010. [Program] [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Compositional mapping of semiconductor quantum dots by x-ray photoemission electron microscopy, Workshop on in situ characterization of near-surface processes, Leoben, Austria, 2 October 2009. [Program] [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Photo Emission Electron Microscopy, Winter School on Synchrotron Radiation, Delmenhorst, Germany, 12 – 14 November 2008. [Program] [Talk]
S. Heun, L. Sorba, G. Biasiol, T. Mlakar, R. Magri, A. Locatelli, and T. O. Mentes: Surface compositional profiles of self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum rings, IUMRS-ICEM 2008, Sydney, Australia, 28 July – 1 August 2008. [Program] [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Compositional mapping of individual semiconductor nanostructures, NanoE3, Couran Cove, Australia, 23 – 28 September 2007. [Program] [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun, G. Biasiol, G. B. Golinelli, L. Sorba, F. Ratto, F. Rosei, S. Cherifi, S. Fontana, A. Locatelli, T. O. Mentes, F. Z. Guo, C. Hofer, C. Teichert, P.-D. Szkutnik, A. Sgarlata, M. De Crescenzi, and N. Motta: Spectromicroscopic investigation of semiconductor quantum dots, Iconsat 2006, New Delhi, India, 16 – 18 March 2006. [Program] [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Nanostructured materials for device applications, Pacifichem 2005, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 15 – 20 December 2005. [Program] [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Low-dimensional systems studied by SPELEEM, UK Synchrotron Radiation Users Meeting, Manchester, UK, 13 – 14 September 2005. [Program] [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Nanoscale Imaging and Spectroscopy with PEEM, Italian-Australian Workshop: Future Directions in Spectroscopy and Imaging with Synchrotron Radiation, Trieste, Italy, 9 – 11 February 2005. [Program] [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Nanospectroscopy with the SPELEEM at Elettra, 2nd International Symposium on Technologies and Applications of Photoelectron Micro-Spectroscopy with Laser-based VUV sources, Tsukuba, Japan, 1 – 3 February 2005. [Program] [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: XPEEM with energy filter, National Synchrotron Light Source Annual Users’ Meeting, Brookhaven, USA, 17 – 20 May 2004. [Program] [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun, A. Bianco, S. Cherifi, D. Cocco, M. Kiskinova, A. Locatelli, M. Marsi, M. Pasqualetto, and E. Bauer: Nanospectroscopy with the SPELEEM at ELETTRA, International Symposium on Technologies and Applications of Photoelectron Micro-Spectroscopy with Laser-based VUV sources, Tsukuba, Japan, 2 – 4 December 2002. [Program] [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun, M. Lazzarino, P. Pingue, B.Ressel, and K. C. Prince: AFM local anodic oxidation studied by spectroscopic microscopy, 2nd International Workshop on Nano-scale Spectroscopy and Nanotechnology, Tokyo, Japan, 25 – 29 November 2002. [Program] [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun, Y. Watanabe, B. Ressel, D. Bottomley, Th. Schmidt, and K. C. Prince: Photoelectron spectroscopy from individual heteroepitaxial nanocrystals on GaAs(001), First International Workshop on Nano-scale Spectroscopy and its Applications to Semiconductor Research, Trieste, Italy, 11 – 14 December 2000. [Program] [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun, Th. Schmidt, J. Slezak, J. Diaz, K. C. Prince, E. Bauer, B. H. Müller, and A. Franciosi: Spectromicroscopy of low-dimensional systems, Third Workshop on Thin Film Physics and Technology, Trieste, Italy, 8 – 26 March 1999. [Program] [Abstract]
S. Heun, Th. Schmidt, J. Slezak, J. Diaz, K. C. Prince, E. Bauer, B. Müller, and A. Franciosi: Semiconductor physics with the SPELEEM at Elettra, TUSBAR meeting, Trieste, Italy, 18 – 19 January 1999. [Program] [Abstract]
Invited Seminars (86)
S. Heun: Highly transmissive InSb nanoflag Josephson junctions, ISSP, The University of Tokyo, Japan (Prof. Y. Hasegawa), 5 October 2023. [Abstract] [Talk]
Stefan Heun: Prospects for Hydrogen Storage in Graphene, Kwansei Gakuin University, Sanda, Hyogo, Japan (Prof. H. Hibino), 2 October 2023. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Prospects for Hydrogen Storage in Graphene, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria (Prof. Christian Teichert), 20 March 2023. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Hydrogen Storage in Graphene, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria (Dr. Donato Civita/Prof. Leonhard Grill), 17 March 2023. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: High mobility free-standing InSb nanoflags for advanced quantum technologies, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland (Dr. M. P. Nowak), 19 May 2021. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Optimization of few-layer black phosphorus for low-temperature magneto-transport studies, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Quebec, Canada (Prof. O. Moutanabbir), 13 September 2018. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Hydrogen and graphene: from tuning of hydrogen adsorption by gate voltage, to Si dangling bonds in quasi-free-standing monolayer graphene, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Prof. G. Gervais), 12 July 2018. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Optimization of few-layer black phosphorus for low-temperature magneto-transport studies, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland (Prof. B. Szafran), 12 June 2018. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: The importance of surfaces for the properties of 2D materials: from graphene to phosphorene, University of Seoul, S. Korea (Prof. Jeil Jung), 22 September 2017. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Metal-functionalized graphene for hydrogen storage, SKKU, Seoul, S. Korea (Prof. Dongmok Whang), 21 September 2017. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Quantum Hall effect in graphene, Universität Osnabrück, Germany (Prof. J. Wollschläger), 30 June 2017. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Dephasing in strongly anisotropic black phosphorus, High Field Magnet Laboratory, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands (Prof. J. C. Maan), 12 September 2016. [Talk]
S. Heun: Hydrogenated Graphene, Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia (Prof. V. Khrapai), 05 July 2016. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Scanning Gate Microscopy on low-dimensional nanostructures, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland (Prof. B. Szafran), 06 May 2016. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Prospects for hydrogen storage in graphene, CNR – Istituto di Struttura della Materia, Rome, Italy (Prof. L. Avaldi), 26 November 2015. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Prospects for hydrogen storage in graphene, McGill University, Montreal, Canada (Prof. G. Gervais), 28 October 2015. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Hydrogen Storage in Graphene, Institut Neel, CNRS Grenoble, France (Prof. H. Courtois), 16 September 2015. [Talk]
S. Heun: Hydrogen Storage in Graphene, ISSP, Tokyo University, Kashiwa, Japan (Prof. Y. Hasegawa), 5 August 2015. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Prospects for Hydrogen Storage in Graphene, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan (Dr. K. Takahashi), 3 August 2015. [Talk]
S. Heun: Hydrogenated Graphene, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan (Prof. M. Suemitsu), 31 July 2015. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: 2D Materials Research Activities at the NEST lab in Pisa, Italy, NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Atsugi, Japan (Dr. S. Suzuki), 23 July 2015. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Scanning gate imaging of the 0.7 anomaly and of fractional quantum Hall features, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan (Prof. N. Aoki), 4 November 2014. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Exploring the physics of one-dimensional systems by scanning gate microscopy, NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Atsugi, Japan (Dr. H. Hibino), 31 October 2014. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Prospects for hydrogen storage in graphene, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan (Prof. M. Suemitsu), 30 October 2014. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Hydrogen Storage in Graphene, Paul Drude Institut, Berlin, Germany (Dr. S. Foelsch), 26 September 2014. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Designing graphene for hydrogen storage, Universität Regensburg, Germany (Prof. M. Grifoni & Prof. F.-J. Giessibl), 04 July 2014. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Exploring the physics of one-dimensional systems by scanning gate microscopy, Institut Neel, CNRS Grenoble, France (Prof. H. Courtois), 03 December 2013. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Hydrogen on Graphene – an STM study, IBM Rueschlikon, Switzerland (Dr. Gerhard Meyer), 23 October 2013. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Hydrogen Storage on Graphene, S3 CNR-Nano, Modena, Italy (Prof. E. Molinari), 15 April 2013. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Graphene for Hydrogen Storage, NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Atsugi, Japan (Dr. H. Hibino), 12 March 2013. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: The influence of graphene curvature and functionalization on hydrogen adsorption: towards hydrogen storage devices, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan (Prof. Chung-Lin Wu), 8 March 2013. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Hydrogen Storage on Graphene: an STM study, NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan (Dr. Chia-Hao Chen), 6 March 2013. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: STM Studies of Hydrogen on Graphene, Tokyo University, Japan (Prof. M. Oshima), 28 February 2013. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Hydrogen Storage on Graphene, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan (Dr. Yoshio Watanabe), 27 February 2013. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Tomography and manipulation of Quantum Hall edge channels by Scanning Gate Microscopy, IBM Rueschlikon, Switzerland (Dr. Gerhard Meyer), 17 October 2012. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Semiconductor Nanowires, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China (Prof. Li Jixue), 28 June 2011. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Growth and Characterization of Semiconductor Nanowires, INRS-EMT, Univ. du Quebec, Varennes, Canada (Prof. F. Rosei), 2 May 2011. [Abstract] [Talk]
N. Paradiso, S. Heun, S. Roddaro, D. Venturelli, F. Taddei, V. Giovannetti, R. Fazio, G. Biasiol, L. Sorba, and F. Beltram: Spatially–resolved analysis of edge–channel equilibration in quantum Hall circuits, Dept. of Physics, McGill University, Montreal, Canada (Prof. G. Gervais), 29 April 2011. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Growth and Characterization of Semiconductor Nanowires, NRC Institute for Microstructural Sciences, Ottawa, Canada (Dr. G. Austing), 28 April 2011. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Growth and Characterization of Semiconductor Nanowires, Centre for Advanced Nanotechnology, University of Toronto, Canada (Prof. H. Ruda), 26 April 2011. [Talk]
S. Heun: Coexistence of Vapor–Liquid–Solid and Vapor–Solid–Solid Growth Modes in Pd-Assisted InAs Nanowires, Centre for Soft Matter Research, Bangalore, India (Prof. K. A. Suresh), 30 November 2010. [Abstract] [Talk]
N. Paradiso, S. Heun, S. Roddaro, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. West, L. Sorba, G. Biasiol, and F. Beltram: Scanning gate microscopy and individual control of edge-channel transmission through a quantum point contact, ISSP, Tokyo University, Japan (Prof. Y. Hasegawa), 17 July 2009. [Abstract] [Talk]
N. Paradiso, S. Heun, S. Roddaro, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. West, L. Sorba, G. Biasiol, and F. Beltram: Scanning gate microscopy and individual control of edge-channel transmission through a quantum point contact, NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Atsugi, Japan (Dr. H. Hibino), 16 July 2009. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: InAs/GaAs quantum dots and rings, CNR Institute for Complex Systems, Sesto Fiorentino, Italy (Dr. P. Politi), 26 February 2008. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Compositional mapping of semiconductor quantum dots by x-ray photoemission electron microscopy, IV. Physikalisches Institut, Universitaet Goettingen, Germany (Prof. A. Rizzi), 23 November 2006. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun, G. Biasiol, V. Grillo, E. Carlino, L. Sorba, G. B. Golinelli, A. Locatelli, T. O. Mentes, and F. Z. Guo: Surface compositional gradients of InAs/GaAs quantum dots, Materials Research Center, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India (Prof. S. B. Krupanidhi), 14 March 2006. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Spectromicroscopic investigations of nanostructured materials for device applications, Physics Department, Karnatak University, Dharwad, India, 11 March 2006. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Local Anodic Oxidation with AFM: A Nanometer-Scale Spectroscopic Study with Photoemission Microscopy, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India (Prof. G. Kulkarni), 8 September 2005. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Local Anodic Oxidation of GaAs: A Nanometer-Scale Spectroscopic Study with PEEM, Paul Drude Institut, Berlin, Germany (Dr. S. Foelsch), 18 March 2005. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Local Anodic Oxidation of GaAs: A Nanometer-Scale Spectroscopic Study with PEEM, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy (Prof. F. Beltram), 3 March 2005. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Nanoscale Imaging and Spectroscopy with Photoemission Electron Microscopy, ISSP, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan (Prof. T. Kinoshita), 31 January 2005. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: The SPELEEM at the Nanospectroscopy Beamline at Elettra: Present status and performance, Spring-8, Hyogo, Japan (Prof. K. Kobayashi), 27 January 2005. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Desorption dynamics of oxide nanostructures fabricated by local anodic oxidation, S3, University of Modena, Italy (Prof. E. Molinari), 2 November 2004. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: The local structure and chemical properties of LAO-oxide nanostructures, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia (Prof. A. Prodan), 9 September 2004. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Desorption dynamics of LAO-oxide nanostructures, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (Prof. B. Lewis), 27 July 2004. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Chemical characterization of semiconductor nanostructures by energy filtered photoemission electron microscopy, Laboratoire Louis Neel, Grenoble, France (Dr. S. Cherifi), 1 July 2004. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Chemical characterization of nanostructures by photoemission x-ray microscopy, Ohio University, Athens, USA (Prof. S.-W. Hla), 24 May 2004. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: AFM nanolithography studied by spectromicroscopy, Universitaet Essen, Germany (Prof. M. Horn-von Hoegen), 4 November 2003. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: The Nanospectroscopy Beamline at Elettra, Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan (Dr. R. Klauser), 6 December 2002. [Talk]
S. Heun: The Nanospectroscopy Beamline at Elettra: present status and first results, Tokyo University, Japan (Prof. S. Hasegawa), 2 December 2002. [Talk]
S. Heun: Applications of spectromicroscopy at Elettra, Swiss Light Source, Villigen, Switzerland (Dr. C. Quitmann), 26 June 2001. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Photoelectron spectroscopy on semiconductor nanostructures, Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Austria (Prof. C. Teichert), 17 May 2001. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Nanospectroscopy on InAs nanocrystals, NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Atsugi, Japan (Dr. Y. Watanabe), 29 June 2000. [Abstract]
S. Heun: Spectromicroscopy of nanostructures by SR-PEEM, Tokyo University, Japan (Prof. M. Oshima), 27 June 2000. [Abstract]
S. Heun: Nano-scale photoelectron spectroscopy at Elettra, Electrotechnical Laboratories, AIST, Tsukuba, Japan (Dr. T. Tomie), 26 June 2000. [Abstract]
S. Heun: The spectromicroscopy beamlines at Elettra: Recent achievements, Photon Factory, Tsukuba, Japan (Prof. Kakizaki), 23 June 2000. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Nanospectroscopy of low-dimensional systems, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA (Prof. M. Lagally), 25 August 1999. [Abstract]
S. Heun: Applied semiconductor research with the SPELEEM at ELETTRA, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic (Prof. V. Chab), 19 February 1999. [Abstract]
S. Heun: Semiconductor Physics with the SPELEEM at ELETTRA, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy (Prof. F. Beltram), 22 July 1998. [Abstract]
S. Heun: The SPELEEM at ELETTRA: A new instrument for spectromicroscopy, Nova Gorica Polytechnic, Slovenia (Dr. G. Bratina), 21 May 1998. [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Stacking fault density and local interface composition in II-VI/III-V heterostructures, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan (Prof. K. Yagi), 3 April 1997. [Talk]
S. Heun: Interface composition and stacking fault density in II-VI/III-V heterostructures, Tokyo University, Japan (Prof. M. Oshima), 2 April 1997. [Abstract].
S. Heun: Local interface composition and extended defect density in ZnSe/GaAs(001) and ZnSe/In0.04Ga0.96As(001) heterojunctions, JRCAT, AIST, Tsukuba, Japan (Prof. T. Yao), 1 April 1997.
S. Heun: Strain and surface morphology in ZnSe/In0.04Ga0.96As(001) heterostructures, NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Atsugi, Japan (Dr. Y. Watanabe), 31 March 1997. [Talk]
S. Heun: Interface engineering of II-VI/III-V heterostructures, Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy (Dr. F. Esch), 10 March 1997. [Abstract]
S. Heun: The influence of an ultrathin pseudomorphic interface control layer of Si on the growth of SrF2 on GaAs, Universitaet Kassel, Germany (Prof. F. Traeger), 16 November 1995. [Talk]
S. Heun: The growth of Si on different GaAs surfaces: A comparative study, Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Germany (Prof. W. Moritz), 9 October 1995.
S. Heun: DC conductivity of ultrathin epitaxial films of Ag, Pb and Au on Si(111), RIKEN, Tokyo, Japan (Dr. T. Hara), 4 March 1994.
S. Heun: Conductivity measurements on one monolayer silver on Si(111), Tokyo University, Japan (Prof. S. Ino), 22 December 1993.
S. Heun: Conductivity of epitaxial silver films, CNRS, Grenoble, France (Prof. T. Lopez-Rios), 12 October 1993.
S. Heun: Metallic and nonmetallic conductivity of thin epitaxial silver films, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany (Prof. E. Matthias), 11 June 1993.
S. Heun: Morphology and electrical conductivity of thin Ag films on Ag(111), RWTH Aachen, Germany (Prof. E. Gerlach), 8 June 1993. [Talk]
S. Heun: The electrical conductivity of thin films of Ag, Pb, and Au on Si(111), CNRS, Paris, France (Prof. F. Cyrot-Lackmann), 25 May 1993.
S. Heun: Surface roughness and conductivity of thin Ag films, Universitaet Duesseldorf, Germany (Dr. D. Schumacher), 12 May 1993.
S. Heun: Magnetoconductivity of thin epitaxial silver films, Universitaet Wuerzburg, Germany (Prof. E. Umbach), April 1993.
S. Heun: Conductance of Ag on Si(111): a two-dimensional percolation problem, Universitaet Bayreuth, Germany (Dr. H. Roeder), December 1992. [Talk]
Contributed Presentations at Scientific Conferences (72)
A. Iorio, A. Crippa, B. Turini, S. Salimian, M. Carrega, L. Chirolli, V. Zannier, L. Sorba, E. Strambini, F. Giazotto, and S. Heun: Half-integer Shapiro steps in highly transmissive InSb nanoflag Josephson junctions, 36th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS), Ottawa, Canada, 28 July – 2 August 2024 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
A. Iorio, A. Crippa, B. Turini, S. Salimian, M. Carrega, L. Chirolli, V. Zannier, L. Sorba, E. Strambini, F. Giazotto, and S. Heun: Half-integer Shapiro steps in highly transmissive InSb nanoflag Josephson junctions, DPG Spring Meeting, Berlin, Germany, 17 – 22 March 2024 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
A. Iorio, B. Turini, S. Salimian, A. Crippa, E. Strambini, V. Zannier, M. Carrega, L. Chirolli, F. Beltram, L. Sorba, F. Giazotto, and S. Heun: Highly transmissive InSb nanoflag Josephson junctions, NQSTI Workshop, Rome, Italy, 15 – 16 January 2024 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
A. Iorio, B. Turini, S. Salimian, M. Carrega, L. Chirolli, A. Crippa, E. Strambini, V. Zannier, L. Sorba, F. Giazotto, and S. Heun: Half-integer Shapiro steps in InSb /Nb Josephson junctions, Bound States 2023, Budapest, Hungary, 11-14 June 2023 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
A. Kumar, F. Telesio, D. Prezzi, C. Cardoso, A. Catellani, S. Forti, C. Coletti, M. Serrano-Ruiz, M. Peruzzini, F. Beltram, and S. Heun: Black phosphorus n-type doping by Cu: a microscopic surface investigation, International Symposium on Nanoscale Research, Leoben, Austria, 20 – 21 September 2021 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Salimian, M. Carrega, I. Verma, V. Zannier, F. Rossi, D. Ercolani, F. Beltram, L. Sorba, and S. Heun: High mobility free-standing InSb nanoflags for quantum technology, CMD 20 online series Bound states in hybrid superconductor nanostructures, 28 – 29 June 2021 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
F. Telesio, G. le Gal, M. Serrano-Ruiz, F. Prescimone, S. Toffanin, M. Peruzzini, and S. Heun: Ohmic contact engineering in few-layer black Phosphorus field effect transistors, FisMat 2019, Catania, Italy, 30 September – 4 October 2019 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
F. Telesio, N. Hemsworth, W. Dickerson, M. Petrescu, V. Tayari, Oulin Yu, D. Graf, M. Serrano-Ruiz, M. Caporali, M. Peruzzini, M. Carrega, T. Szkopek, S. Heun, and G. Gervais: Non-classical longitudinal magneto-resistance in anisotropic black phosphorus, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2019, Nice, France, 27 – 31 May 2019 (poster). [Abstract] [Poster]
L. Bours, S. Guiducci, A. Mrenca-Kolasinska, B. Szafran, J. C. Maan, and S. Heun: Manipulating quantum Hall edge channels through Scanning Gate Microscopy, DPG Spring Meeting and EPS-CMD 27, Berlin, Germany, 11 – 16 March 2018 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Fiori, Y. Murata, S. Veronesi, A. Rossi, C. Coletti, and S. Heun: Li-intercalated graphene on SiC(0001): an STM study, Fismat 2017, Trieste, Italy, 1 – 5 October 2017 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
N. Hemsworth, V. Tayari, F. Telesio, S. Xiang, S. Roddaro, M. Caporali, A. Ienco, M. Serrano-Ruiz, M. Peruzzini, G. Gervais, T. Szkopek, and S. Heun: Dephasing in strongly anisotropic black phosphorus, ICFSI-16, Hannover, Germany, 02 – 07 July 2017 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Xiang, A. Mrenca-Kolasinska, V. Miseikis, S. Guiducci, K. Kolasinski, C. Coletti, B. Szafran, F. Beltram, S. Roddaro, and S. Heun: Inter-edge backscattering in buried split-gate-defined graphene quantum point contacts, 2016, Aci Castello, Catania, Italy, 12 – 16 December 2016 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Novel 2D materials to study interactions between light and matter, Workshop “Fundamental Metrology”, Torino, Italy, 2 December 2016 (oral). [Talk]
S. Xiang, A. Mrenca-Kolasinska, V. Miseikis, S. Guiducci, K. Kolasinski, C. Coletti, B. Szafran, F. Beltram, S. Roddaro, and S. Heun: Controlling graphene edge-state trajectories with a buried gate architecture, CMD-26, Groningen, The Netherlands, 04 – 09 September 2016 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
Y. Murata, T. Mashoff, N. Pavlicek, G. Meyer, T. Cavallucci, V. Tozzini, M. Takamura, H. Hibino, F. Beltram, and S. Heun: Hydrogen vacancies in quasi-free-standing monolayer graphene, ECOSS-32, Grenoble, France, 28 August – 02 September 2016 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
Y. Murata, T. Mashoff, M. Takamura, S. Tanabe, H. Hibino, F. Beltram, and S. Heun: Correlation between Morphology and Transport Properties of Quasi-Free-Standing Monolayer Graphene, EP2DS-21/MSS-17, Sendai, Japan, 26 – 31 July 2015 (poster). [Abstract] [Poster]
A. Iagallo, S. Tanabe, S. Roddaro, M. Takamura, Y. Sekine, H. Hibino, V. Miseikis, C. Coletti, V. Piazza, F. Beltram, and S. Heun: Bilayer-induced asymmetric quantum Hall effect in epitaxial graphene, EP2DS-21/MSS-17, Sendai, Japan, 26 – 31 July 2015 (poster). [Abstract] [Poster]
Y. Murata, T. Mashoff, M. Takamura, S. Tanabe, H. Hibino, F. Beltram, and S. Heun: Correlation between morphology and transport properties of quasi-free-standing monolayer graphene, International workshop on SPA-LEED 2015, Hannover, Germany, 28 – 29 May 2015 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
T. Mashoff, S. Goler, V. Tozzini, D. Convertino, V. Miseikis, C. Coletti, V. Piazza, M. Takamura, S. Tanabe, H. Hibino, V. Pellegrini, F. Beltram, and S. Heun: Tailoring graphene for hydrogen storage, SINFO II, Trieste, Italy, 25 – 27 June 2014 (poster). [Abstract] [Poster]
S. Goler, C. Coletti, V. Tozzini, V. Piazza, T. Mashoff, M. Takamura, S. Tanabe, H. Hibino, F. Beltram, V. Pellegrini, and S. Heun: Hydrogen Storage on Graphene: an STM study, Nanoscience Institute 2nd Workshop, Modena, Italy, 10 – 11 June 2013 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun, N. Paradiso, S. Roddaro, G. Biasiol, L. Sorba, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. West, and F Beltram: Imaging fractional incompressible stripes in integer quantum Hall systems, 24th Conference of the EPS Condensed Matter Division (CMD-24), Edinburgh, UK, 3 – 7 September 2012 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
N. Paradiso, S. Heun, S. Roddaro, G. Biasiol, L. Sorba, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. West, and F. Beltram: Imaging fractional incompressible stripes in integer quantum Hall systems, 31st International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Zurich, Switzerland, 29 July – 3 August 2012 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
N. Paradiso, S. Heun, S. Roddaro, G. Biasiol, L. Sorba, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. West, and F. Beltram: Scanning gate microscopy imaging of fractional incompressible stripes in integer quantum Hall channels, 7th International Workshop on Nano-scale Spectroscopy and Nanotechnology, Zurich, Switzerland, 2 – 6 July 2012 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun: Graphene as a medium for hydrogen storage, First Scientific Meeting of COST Action 1103, Rome, Italy, 13 – 15 February 2012 (oral). [Talk]
N. Paradiso, S. Heun, S. Roddaro, D. Venturelli, F. Taddei, V. Giovannetti, R. Fazio, G. Biasiol, L. Sorba, and F. Beltram: Spatially resolved analysis of edge-channel equilibration in quantum Hall circuits, Workshop on Entanglement in solid state systems, Lecce, Italy, 20 – 22 September 2011 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
N. Paradiso, S. Heun, S. Roddaro, G. Biasiol, L. Sorba, and F. Beltram: Spectral analysis of inter-channel scattering in the QH regime, 4th International Workshop on Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Hall Systems, Beijing, China, 23 – 26 June 2011 (poster). [Abstract] [Lightening Talk] [Poster]
S. Heun: Graphene as a medium for hydrogen storage, Workshop DMD “Atom-based nanotechnology”, Florence, Italy, 19 January 2011 (oral). [Talk]
N. Paradiso, S. Heun, S. Roddaro, D. Venturelli, F. Taddei, V. Giovannetti, R. Fazio, G. Biasiol, L. Sorba, and F. Beltram: Equilibration of integer quantum Hall edge channels studied by scanning gate microscopy, The 6th International Workshop on Nano-scale Spectroscopy and Nanotechnology, Kobe, Japan, 25 – 29 October 2010 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
N. Paradiso, S. Heun, S. Roddaro, D. Venturelli, F. Taddei, V. Giovannetti, R. Fazio, G. Biasiol, L. Sorba, and F. Beltram: Equilibration of integer quantum Hall edge channels studied by scanning gate microscopy, 30th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS-30), COEX, Seoul, Corea, 25 – 30 July 2010 (poster). [Abstract] [Poster]
V. Baranwal, G. Biasiol, S. Heun, A. Locatelli, T. O. Mentes, M. N. Orti, and L. Sorba: Kinetics of the evolution of InAs/GaAs quantum dots to quantum rings, 30th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS-30), COEX, Seoul, Corea, 25 – 30 July 2010 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
N. Paradiso, S. Heun, S. Roddaro, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. West, and F. Beltram: Selective control of edge channel trajectories by SGM, 18th International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems EP2DS-18, Kobe, Japan, 19 – 24 July 2009 (poster). [Abstract] [Poster]
S. Heun, G. Biasiol, R. Magri, A. Locatelli, T. O. Mentes, and L. Sorba: Surface compositional profiles of In(Ga)As quantum rings on GaAs(001), 22nd General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Rome, Italy, 25 – 29 August 2008 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun, G. Biasiol, R. Magri, A. Locatelli, T. O. Mentes, and L. Sorba: Surface compositional profiles of InAs/GaAs quantum rings, NSS5, Athens, Ohio, USA, 15 – 19 July 2008 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun, G. Biasiol, G. B. Golinelli, V. Grillo, E. Carlino, L. Sorba, F. Ratto, F. Rosei, S. Kharrazi, S. Ashtaputre, S. K. Kulkarni, S. Fontana, A. Locatelli, T. O. Mentes, and F. Z. Guo: Compositional mapping of semiconductor quantum dots by x-ray microscopy, Workshop of the INTERREG IIIA SLO-ITA project, Trieste, Italy, 23 – 24 October 2006 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun, G. Biasiol, G. B. Golinelli, A. Locatelli, T. O. Mentes, F. Z. Guo, V. Grillo, E. Carlino, C. Hofer, C. Teichert, and L. Sorba: Surface composition mapping of semiconductor quantum dots, 4th International Workshop on Nanoscale Spectroscopy and Nanotechnology, Rathen, Germany, 17 – 21 September 2006 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun, F. Ratto, F. Rosei, A. Locatelli, S. Cherifi, S. Fontana, P.-D. Szkutnik, A. Sgarlata, M. De Crescenzi, and N. Motta: Composition of Ge(Si) islands in the growth of Ge on Si(111) by x-ray spectromicroscopy, DPG Fruehjahrstagung and EPS-CMD conference, Dresden, Germany, 27 – 31 March 2006 (poster). [Abstract] [Poster]
S. Heun, G. Biasiol, G. B. Golinelli, A. Locatelli, T. O. Mentes, F. Z. Guo, C. Hofer, C. Teichert, and L. Sorba: Surface concentration mapping of InAs/GaAs quantum dots, DPG Fruehjahrstagung and EPS-CMD conference, Dresden, Germany, 27 – 31 March 2006 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun, G. Mori, M. Lazzarino, D. Ercolani, G. Biasiol, A. Locatelli, and L. Sorba: Evidence for material mixing during local anodic oxidation nanolithography, SILS 2005, Modena, Italy, 7 – 9 July 2005 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun, G. Mori, D. Ercolani, M. Lazzarino, A. Locatelli, and L. Sorba: Spectroscopic investigation of oxide nanostructures fabricated by local anodic oxidation, The Third International Workshop on Nanometer Scale Spectroscopy and Nanotechnology, College Park, Maryland, USA, 10 – 14 December 2004 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun, S. Kremmer, H. Wurmbauer, S. Peißl, and C. Teichert: LEEM and XPEEM studies of C-AFM induced surface modifications of thermally grown SiO2, 14th International Conference on Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation Physics, Cairns, Australia, 19 – 23 July 2004 (poster). [Abstract] [Poster]
S. Heun, D. Ercolani, G. Mori, M. Lazzarino, B. Ressel, A. Locatelli, S. Cherifi, A. Ballestrazzi, and L. Sorba: Chemical characterization of AFM-defined nanostructures, Thin Films 2004 & Nanotech 2004, Singapore, 13 – 17 July 2004 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun, L. Gregoratti, A. Barinov, B. Kaulich, M. Rudolf, M. Lazzarino, G. Biasiol, B. Bonanni, and L. Sorba: Morphology and chemistry of S-treated GaAs(001) surfaces, E-MRS 2002 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 18 – 21 June 2002 (poster). [Abstract]
S. Heun, B. Ressel, Th. Schmidt, Y. Watanabe, and D. Bottomley: Photoelectron spectroscopy from individual heteroepitaxial nanocrystals on GaAs(001), E-MRS 2002 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 18 – 21 June 2002 (poster). [Abstract]
S. Suzuki, Y. Watanabe, T. Ogino, S. Heun, L. Gregoratti, A. Barinov, B. Kaulich, M. Kiskinova, W. Zhu, C. Bower, amd O. Zhou: Electronic structure of carbon nanotubes studied by photoemission microscopy, Ninth Elettra Users’ Meeting, Trieste, Italy, 3 – 4 December 2001 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun, M. Rudolf, M. Lazzarino, G. Biasiol, B. Bonanni, L. Gregoratti, A. Barinov, B. Kaulich, and L. Sorba: Morphology and chemistry of S-treated GaAs(001) surfaces, VUV 13, Trieste, Italy, 23 – 27 July 2001 (poster). [Abstract] [Poster]
S. Heun, M. Rudolf, M. Lazzarino, G. Biasiol, B. Bonanni, L. Gregoratti, A. Barinov, B. Kaulich, and L. Sorba: Morphology and chemistry of S-treated GaAs(001) surfaces, INFM Meeting, Rome, Italy, 18 – 22 June 2001 (poster). [Abstract] [Poster]
S. Heun, Y. Watanabe, B. Ressel, D. Bottomley, Th. Schmidt, and K. C. Prince: Core level photoelectron spectroscopy from individual heteroepitaxial nanocrystals on GaAs(001), Elettra Users’ Meeting, Trieste, Italy, 4 – 5 December 2000 (poster). [Abstract] [Poster]
S. Heun, Th. Schmidt, B. Ressel, F.-J. Meyer zu Heringdorf, P. Zahl, R. Hild, M. Horn-von-Hoegen, and E. Bauer: Au-induced giant faceting of vicinal Si(001): a template for the growth of nanowires, INFM meeting, Genova, Italy, 12 – 16 June 2000 (poster). [Abstract] [Poster]
S. Heun, Y. Watanabe, B. Ressel, Th. Schmidt, and K. C. Prince: Nanospectroscopy of self-organized InAs nanocrystals, CMD-EPS conference, Montreux, Switzerland, 13 -17 March 2000 (poster). [Abstract]
S. Heun, B. Ressel, Th. Schmidt, K. C. Prince, and Y. Watanabe: Nanospectroscopy of self-organized InAs nanocrystals, Elettra Users’ Meeting, Trieste, Italy, 29 – 30 November 1999 (poster). [Abstract]
S. Heun, Y. Watanabe, B. Ressel, Th. Schmidt, E. Bauer, and K. C. Prince: Spectromicroscopic measurements of self-organized InAs nanocrystals, X99 conference, Chicago (IL), USA, 23 – 27 August 1999 (poster). [Abstract] [Poster]
S. Heun, Y. Watanabe, Th. Schmidt, E. Bauer, and K. C. Prince: Spectroscopic and microscopic measurements of self-organized InAs nanocrystals, INFM meeting, Catania, Italy, 14.-18.06.1999 (oral). [Abstract]
S. Heun, Th. Schmidt, K. C. Prince, and Y. Watanabe: Spectroscopic and microscopic measurements of self-organized InAs nanocrystals, Spring conference of the German physical society, Muenster, Germany, 22 – 26 March 1999 (oral). [Abstract]
S. Heun, Th. Schmidt, J. Slezak, J. Diaz, K. C. Prince, B. Mueller, and A. Franciosi: Lateral inhomogeneities in engineered Schottky barriers, 6th International Elettra Users’ Meeting, Trieste, Italy, 30 November – 1 December 1998 (poster). [Abstract] [Poster]
S. Heun, T. Schmidt, J. Slezak, J. Diaz, K. C. Prince, B. Mueller, and A. Franciosi: Lateral inhomogeneities in engineered Schottky barriers, 10th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Cannes, France, 31 August – 4 September 1998 (poster). [Abstract]
S. Heun, Th. Schmidt, K. C. Prince, E. Bauer, B. Müller, and A. Franciosi: The SPELEEM at ELETTRA: Recent achievements, INFMeeting, Rimini, Italy, 25 – 30 June 1998 (poster). [Abstract]
S. Heun, Th. Schmidt, J. Slezak, J. Diaz, K. C. Prince, B. Müller, and A. Franciosi: Microscopic-scale lateral inhomogeneities in Schottky barriers, Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Regensburg, Germany, 23 – 27 March 1998 (poster). [Abstract] [Poster]
S. Heun, Th. Schmidt, J. Slezak, J. Diaz, K. C. Prince, G. Lilienkamp, and E. Bauer: The SPELEEM at ELETTRA: A new instrument for spectromicroscopy, 22nd Annual Meeting on Advances in Surface and Interface Physics, Modena, Italy, 17 – 19 December 1997 (poster). [Abstract]
S. Heun, J. J. Paggel, L. Sorba, S. Rubini, A. Bonanni, R. Lantier, M. Lazzarino, A. Franciosi, J.-M. Bonard, J.-D. Ganiere, Y. Zhuang, and G. Bauer: Strain and surface morphology in ZnSe/In0.04Ga0.96As/GaAs(001) heterostructures, US Japan Seminar on Surface Dynamics and Structures in Epitaxial Growth, Nagoya, Japan, 23 – 27 March 1997 (oral). [Abstract]
S. Heun, J. Paggel, L. Sorba, S. Rubini, A. Franciosi, J.-M. Bonard, and J.-D. Ganiere: Stacking fault density and local interface composition in II-VI/III-V heterostructures, DPG Fruehjahrstagung, Muenster, Germany, 17 – 21 March 1997 (poster). [Abstract]
S. Heun, J. J. Paggel, L. Sorba, S. Rubini, A. Franciosi, J.-M. Bonard, and J.-D. Ganiere: Stacking fault density and local interface composition in II-VI/III-V heterostructures, SEmiconduttori-ISolanti SEIS 97, Trento, Italy, 27 – 30 January 1997 (oral). [Abstract]
S. Heun, J. Paggel, S. Rubini, and A. Franciosi: Zn adsorption on GaAs(100)2×4, DPG Fruehjahrstagung, Regensburg, Germany, 25 – 29 March 1996 (poster). [Abstract]
S. Heun, J. J. Paggel, S. Rubini, and A. Franciosi: The influence of Zn predeposition on the properties of ZnSe/GaAs heterostructures, 20th Annual Meeting on Advances in Surface and Interface Physics, Modena, Italy, 18 – 20 December 1995 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun, M. Sugiyama, S. Maeyama, Y. Watanabe, and M. Oshima: Electronic and structural properties of thin SrF2 films on InP, 7th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, Sapporo, Japan, 9 – 13 May 1995 (poster). [Abstract]
S. Heun, M. Sugiyama, S. Maeyama, Y. Watanabe, and M. Oshima: The initial stages of the growth of SrF2 on InP, Italian Crystal Growth conference, Brindisi, Italy, 15 – 17 March 1995 (poster). [Abstract]
S. Heun, M. Sugiyama, S. Maeyama, Y. Watanabe, and M. Oshima: SR measurements on SrF2 thin films deposited on InP(111), 8th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Synchrotron Radiation Society, Tsukuba, Japan, 10 – 13 January 1995 (poster). [Abstract]
S. Heun, M. Sugiyama, S. Maeyama, Y. Watanabe, and M. Oshima: Morphology of thin SrF2 films on InP(111) as studied by RHEED, 8. International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Osaka, Japan, 29 August – 2 September 1994 (oral). [Abstract]
S. Heun, M. Sugiyama, S. Maeyama, Y. Watanabe, and M. Oshima: Control of epitaxial SrF2 film morphology by atomically modified InP(100), AtomicLayerEpitaxy and Related Surface Processes (ALE-3), Sendai, Japan, 25 – 27 May 1994 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]
S. Heun, M. Sugiyama, S. Maeyama, Y. Watanabe, and M. Oshima: The growth of SrF2 on InP(100), 7th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Synchrotron Radiation Society and Asian Forum on Synchrotron Radiation, Kobe, Japan, 11 – 13 May 1994 (poster). [Abstract]
S. Heun, M. Kennedy, and M. Henzler: DC-conductivity of ultrathin epitaxial films of Ag, Pb and Au on Si(111), 13th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Regensburg, Germany, 29 March – 2 April 1993 (poster). [Abstract]
S. Heun, J. Bange, R. Schad and M. Henzler: Leitfaehigkeitsmessungen an einer Monolage Silber auf Si(111)-7×7, DPG Fruehjahrstagung, Regensburg, Germany, 16 – 20 March 1992 (poster). [Abstract]
S. Heun, J. Falta und M. Henzler: SPA-LEED Untersuchungen der Startphase der Silicium MBE auf Si(100)2×1, DPG Fruehjahrstagung, Regensburg, Germany, 26 – 30 March 1990 (oral). [Abstract] [Talk]